Blog | Integrated reports: a tool for change and evolution

● What is the value of integrated reports, and how to migrate to them?

Integrated reports are here to stay, and they represent an improvement in corporate responsibility, its management, transparency, an increase of reliability, and greater use of information and technology. But, what are they?

Well, let's start by saying that they are the evolution of corporate reports. They integrate quantitative and qualitative information, communicate the strategy, governance, performance, and the vision of an organization, taking into account its external context. It is a tool that leads to a clear appreciation of the creation of value over time.

Corporate evolution is one of the responses to the change in the structure to inform and communicate companies' achievements, challenges, future goals, and megatrends. Reporting and integrated thinking are correlated features that have resulted in a more efficient practice of communicating and allow adding relevant aspects such as risk and subsequent development, which satisfies a higher level of understanding by the interested parties.

A preparation guide to migrate to integrated reports is: the International Framework, that accelerates the adoption or improvement of these reports across the world. This Framework presents a guide with six general stages:

To continue creating value through integrated reports and thus obtain practical results, the following basic aspects must be considered:

  • Benefits for Investors. Greater involvement in the information of the organizations. Facilitates a better return on investment in the long term.
  • Financial leadership. It drives integrated reporting and positioning.
  • Cyclical thinking. The connection between informing and thinking is essential to improve the communication link in the organization and its creation of value.
  • Human capital value. Share information on this item (developments, initiatives, and experiences).

Additionally, and as part of the qualitative and quantitative information, the Framework considers six key capitals in which it is important to consider the forms of capital that the organization uses or affects by the products and activities it carries out. It classifies them as financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relational, and natural.
